Cigar Cases
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Cigar Cases
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Since the tenth century when the tobacco-loving Mayans first started rolling their smokes, called sicars, then later on when they migrated and introduced their rudimentary smokes as far north as Canada and all the way south to Chile, cigar lovers have tried to preserve their stogies in a way that keeps them in the most favorable condition. Here’s a look at the evolution of cigars and the best way to take them with you.
In 1492 Columbus and his crew made land in the Caribbean islands and found the Indigenous people there smoking the primitive perfectos they thoroughly enjoyed. By the time Columbus and company got to Cuba, just a few weeks later, they found the Taino smoking cigars made of tobacco and wrapped in plantain leaves. The trend was everywhere and the Europeans wanted in on it. Once the cigars and their concept made it back home to Europe smoking cigars became the “in” thing, exploding in popularity.
Spain opened cigar factories in Cuba and began limiting exportation, thus creating a buzz. The Spaniards refined the cigar and replaced plantain leaves with tobacco leaves. Tobacco became a huge cash crop and the colonies as well as other nations began growing their own.
Tobacco grown in the colonies was of pretty high quality and in 1640 Windsor, Connecticut established itself as a hub of tobacco growing in what was to become the United States. Over the next three centuries tobacco only grew in popularity becoming an extremely marketable commodity. Cotton may have been king but tobacco more obviously was the crowned head of trade in those days.
From humble beginnings to the stars of today like the Ashton Classic, Fuentes’ Hemingway or Davidoff’s outstanding Traveler that pays homage to famous cigar fan Winston Churchill, (to borrow a line from another tobacco product) you’ve come a long way baby. Cigars are experiencing a surge in popularity like never before and it’s only been growing since the 1990s.
In the mid-90s there was a huge boom in the premium cigar market. Both novices and aficionados began learning more about their favorite smokes, understanding and appreciating the subtle and sublime differences in flavor and distinguishing between price points and what makes a fine cigar, much like wine enthusiasts.
The demand for fine tobacco was and remains at the center of cigar culture. As the cigar-centric audience became more informed they began to recognize what cigars to buy, where to find them and the best way to preserve their flavor and smokability the need to protect their collection became evident. Fortunately technology merged with old-fashioned know-how and perfected the humidor. The investment in primo cigars is not small and you want to protect and preserve your favorite smokes until you’re ready to enjoy them.
Serious cigar enthusiasts are always up for a smoke and when the time is right you want to offer your fellow devotees an opportunity to experience your choice of premium cigar. That’s all well and good when you’re in your office, den or sitting around your backyard fire pit. Just pop open your impressive Elie Bleu, classic Daniel Marshall or sleek Colibri humidor and offer away. Better yet unlock your end table or cabinet humidor and select a few from your super stash.
But what if you and your friends are out on the golf course or the lake for a day of fishing? Or in a stadium watching your alma mater clobber their rivals? Maybe you’re at a cabin enjoying a guys weekend or bachelor party. You certainly don’t want to tote your prized humidor along but neither do you relish the thought of leaving your prime stogies to the elements.
Traveling with cigars is a tricky undertaking. You need to store them so they are protected from too arid an environment or too humid a climate. Heat causes issues as does freezing weather or air conditioning. Not to mention any physical damage that comes from failing to protect your precious cargo.
You won’t get enjoyment out of a cigar that’s been exposed to any duress in terms of environment and climate. They may smoke robust and rich but they are actually quite delicate and sensitive to their surroundings.
You can always invest in a travel humidor and many cigar devotees do just that. After all, your collection is worth protecting, especially when you want to take a few with you. But if you’re simply enjoying the day at a ballgame, hanging out with your friends or just want to experience a moment of solitude to pause and reflect, you probably don’t need to bring your travel humidor along. Enter the travel cigar case.
The travel cigar case (also known as a cigar pouch) is a simple solution really. A quality case offers room for a few of your favorites to enjoy by yourself or share with a few of your fortunate friends. Any of the cigars you don’t smoke on your excursion can be safely tucked back into your home humidor without suffering any degradation.
If you have a signature smoke that is your go-to, it’s possible to get a case that perfectly accommodates your special cigars. The slits that gently cradle your primo stogies are called fingers. They are specifically suited to the diameter of the cigars you store within the case. The fingers have the ability to telescope and cradle your longer cigars. And the finger cases offer protection whether you have a single cigar or enough to fill your case to capacity.
For those who enjoy a variety of cigars when they leave home there are cases that don’t have the custom fit that the fingers provide. These cases are equally as secure, however most enthusiasts will have a few different cases to accommodate their needs.
The difference between a travel humidor and a cigar travel case? Well the biggest difference is your travel humidor stores more than just a few cigars. A travel humidor typically holds 15-20 cigars but there are some with an 80 cigar capacity. A cigar case typically holds one to six cigars. A case is meant to hold and keep your favorite smokes for 72 hours or less while travel humidors will keep cigars in fine smoking order for much longer.
As far as what to look for when selecting a luxury cigar case, well that’s mainly a matter of preference. As we mentioned, if you regularly smoke the same size cigar you’ll benefit from the finger case. A leather cigar case is an elegant way to take your stogies with you and keep them protected. Some cases also have stainless steel accents or metal offering a high degree of physical protection for your cigars. There are even wood cases that up the elegance while maintaining similar physical protection.
Most cases are not meant for long term however, especially with leather cases, you want to make sure the cigar case is lined in a way that prevents your smokes from taking on the smell and taste of leather. Look for Spanish cedar lined interiors. Many cigar cases provide space for a cutter and some even a cigar lighter. Just because you’re out for some recreation doesn’t mean the ritual if enjoying a good cigar needs to stay at home.
Carbon fiber is another material that makes for a great cigar travel case. Especially if you don’t want anything that appears too bulky or feels too heavy. The carbon fiber is extremely thin yet protects the cargo within. It produces no unsightly bulges in your jacket or pants pocket. And just as with its leather and steel brothers the carbon fiber case maintains a solid seal so humidity stays inside in just the right amount for the duration of your excursion.
Choosing the right cigar holder for your needs takes some time. There are plenty more factors to consider. At Northwoods Humidors we offer a large selection and variety of cases to accommodate your sense of style as well as your cigars. Just as with humidors your cigar case is a reflection of you and your personal brand. Although you want to select your cigar case for its primary function of keeping your cigars, you also want to choose one that reflects your fine taste. Here are a few of our top cigar cases.
When you select a Visol cigar accessory, be it a case, humidor, lighter or ashtray you know the product was made with pride in quality. The genuine smooth leather exterior is quite elegant. This case is adjustable in length to accommodate your personal selection of cigars and provide an airtight seal. The case holds 3 cigars and the double guillotine stainless steel blade cutter cuts up to a 56 ring gauge.
A true artisan piece, this cigar case was crafted by the company known as “Craftsmen of The King”. Artigiani Del Re has been synonymous with elegance and extreme quality for more than 300 years. However this beautiful cigar case is much more than a statement piece or status symbol. Made of sumptuous genuine Italian leather and hand painted, the Cuban Robusto comes in twelve gorgeous finishes. This cigar case holds two cigars and bears the logo of the old world Craftsmen of The King. A stunning case indeed.
The Xikar name means you know that the product is simply a well-engineered and meticulously designed cigar accessory. This case holds up to three 54 ring gauge stogies and does it in style. The soft Armada leather belies the strength and functionality of this case. Lined with Spanish cedar to hold the ambient humidity of the cigar and reinforced with stainless steel caps on each end this high-performance case is everything you need.
What more could you want from your cigar case than the absolute utmost in protection? This case has that and more. Stylishly designed the Visol Kevlar and Carbon Fiber 3-Finger Case is sleek in appearance and sure to be a conversation starter. The adjustable length cigar case accommodates your favorite length of cigar and this beautiful product is as lightweight as it is powerful.
For nearly a century and a half S. T. Dupont has been the first name in luxury and style. The Leather and Metal 5-Finger Case does not deviate from that reputation one bit. Handcrafted in France and made to every specification of quality and craftsmanship the company demands this artisan piece is a favorite among cigar aficionados. This beautiful case holds up to I’ve of your favorites and comes boxed, ideal for gift-giving.
Double the protection with carbon fiber and stainless steel the Visol one finger case offers you the perfect protection for your reward at the end of the day. The modern design boasts telescopic ability to suit your favorite length and protects your precious cargo up to a 56 ring gauge. This stylish case fits easily into your pocket for retrieval when the time is right.
For one of the largest selections of high-quality and high-style in cigar cases reach out to Northwoods Humidors. Our expertise extends beyond our fine humidors and includes all cigar accessories. We take great pride in our excellent customer service and attention to the smallest detail. If you’re looking for the perfect cigar case for yourself or for gift-giving look no further than the selection at Northwoods Humidors.