Why Does My Cigar Keep Going Out?

Why Does My Cigar Keep Going Out?

Picture this: you're settled into your favorite armchair, a glass of fine whiskey at your side, ready to enjoy a premium cigar. You've been looking forward to this moment all day. But as you take your first few puffs, disaster strikes - your cigar keeps going out. Frustrating, isn't it? Fear not, fellow aficionados. We're here to unravel this mystery and get you back to enjoying your smoke without interruption.

Common Reasons Why Cigars Keep Going Out

Before we dive into solutions, let's explore the culprits behind this common conundrum. Understanding the root causes will help you prevent future issues and enhance your overall cigar experience.

Improper Lighting Techniques

You might be surprised to learn that the trouble often begins before you even take your first puff. Proper lighting is an art form in itself, and mastering it is essential for a consistent burn. If you're finding yourself repeatedly relighting, it might be time to brush up on your cigar lighting guide; a well-lit cigar is the foundation of an enjoyable smoking session.

Humidity and Storage Conditions

Cigars are delicate creatures, sensitive to their environment. Too much humidity, and your cigar becomes a soggy mess that refuses to stay lit. Too little, and it burns too quickly, often unevenly. Achieving the perfect balance is key to a consistent burn.

Smoking Pace and Technique

Believe it or not, how you smoke can also significantly impact your cigar's ability to stay lit. Puffing too frequently can overheat the tobacco, while letting too much time pass between draws can cause the cigar to cool down and extinguish.

Cigar Construction and Quality

Sometimes, the issue lies with the cigar itself. Poorly constructed cigars or those made with low-quality tobacco can be prone to burning issues, which is why investing in premium cigars from reputable sources is always a wise choice.

Tips to Prevent Your Cigar from Going Out

close up shot of cigars

Now that we've identified the potential problems, let's explore some solutions to keep your cigar burning smoothly from start to finish.

Use Proper Lighting Techniques

The journey of a thousand puffs begins with a single light. Take your time during the lighting process, ensuring the foot of the cigar is evenly toasted before taking your first draw. Using high quality cigar lighters can make a world of difference in achieving that perfect light.

Humidity and Storage Management

Invest in a good humidor and keep it properly calibrated. Aim for a relative humidity between 65-72% for optimal storage conditions. This sweet spot will keep your cigars in prime smoking condition, ready to burn evenly when the moment strikes.

Adjusting Your Smoking Pace

Find your rhythm. Aim to take a puff every 30-60 seconds to keep the cigar burning without overheating it. If you're engaged in conversation or other activities, make a conscious effort to maintain this pace. Your cigar will thank you by staying lit.

Choosing Quality Cigars

Quality matters. Opt for well-constructed cigars from reputable manufacturers. While they might come with a higher price tag, the improved smoking experience is well worth the investment. Plus, you'll likely find yourself relighting less often, which means more time enjoying and less time fiddling with your lighter.

Final Thoughts

Remember, a cigar going out isn't a reflection of your smoking prowess. Even the most experienced aficionados encounter this issue from time to time. The key is to approach it with patience and a willingness to learn and adjust your technique.

By understanding the common causes and implementing these preventative measures, you'll be well on your way to uninterrupted smoking sessions. And let's be honest, there's something deeply satisfying about nursing a cigar from start to finish without needing to relight.

So, the next time you settle in for a smoke, take a moment to ensure you've set yourself up for success. Check your humidity, choose a quality cigar, light it with care, and pace yourself. With these tips in your arsenal, you'll be enjoying smooth, consistent burns in no time.

28th Aug 2024 Kevin Kauzlaric

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