5 Different Types of Cigar Cuts

5 Different Types of Cigar Cuts

The art of cigar smoking isn’t just about the tobacco or the technique; it's also about the preparation. And one of the most critical steps in that preparation is the cut. The way you cut your cigar can significantly influence your smoking experience, affecting everything from the draw to the flavor profile. So, let's explore the world of cigar cuts and find out which one might be your perfect match.

Straight Cut

The straight cut, also known as the guillotine cut, is perhaps the most common and straightforward method. It involves slicing off the cap of the cigar in a straight line, parallel to the shoulder of the cigar.



The straight cut is versatile and works well with most cigar shapes and sizes. It's particularly effective for larger ring gauge cigars, allowing for a generous draw.

Ease of Use

Even beginners can master this technique quickly. Many of the best cigar cutters are designed for straight cuts, making it an accessible option for novice and experienced smokers alike.

Smooth Draw

A well-executed straight cut provides a smooth, unobstructed draw, allowing you to fully appreciate the cigar's flavors and aromas.

Punch Cut

The punch cut creates a small, circular hole in the cap of the cigar instead of removing it entirely. This method requires a specialized punch cutter, which is often built into lighters or other cigar accessories.


Preserves Wrapper

By leaving most of the cap intact, the punch cut helps preserve the integrity of the wrapper, potentially reducing unraveling during smoking.

Concentrated Draw

The smaller opening concentrates the smoke, which some aficionados believe intensifies the flavor.


Punch cutters are often more compact than guillotine cutters, making them a convenient option for on-the-go smoking.

V-Cut (or Wedge Cut)

The V-cut, as the name suggests, creates a V-shaped notch in the cap of the cigar. This cut has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its unique benefits.


Enhanced Flavor

Some smokers report that the V-cut enhances the complexity of flavors, particularly in the early stages of the smoke.

Prevents Splitting

The V-cut can help prevent the wrapper from splitting, especially in drier cigars.


Let's be honest - a well-executed V-cut looks pretty darn cool, and adds a touch of sophistication to your smoking ritual.

Guillotine Cut (or Double Blade Cut)

While similar to the straight cut, the double blade guillotine cut uses two blades instead of one, providing a cleaner, more precise cut.


Generous Draw

Like the straight cut, the guillotine cut allows for a full, unrestricted draw.

Clean Cut

The dual blades reduce the risk of tearing the wrapper, resulting in a cleaner cut.


Double blade cutters can handle a wide range of cigar sizes, from slim panatellas to hefty gordos.

Pigtail Cut

Some cigars come with a twisted end or "pigtail" instead of a traditional cap. These can be opened by simply pulling on the pigtail to unravel it.


Unique Appearance

The pigtail adds a distinctive look to the cigar, making it stand out - especially paired with one of our best selling electric cigar humidors.

Controlled Draw

Unraveling the pigtail allows for a more controlled opening, potentially providing a more focused draw.


The pigtail is often a sign of careful, artisanal construction, adding to the overall smoking experience.

How to Choose the Right Cigar Cut

Close-up of Rolled Cigars in Wooden Box Pro

Selecting the right cut for your cigar isn't just about personal preference; several factors can influence your choice.

Cigar Size and Shape

Different cuts work better with certain cigar shapes. For example, a punch cut might not be suitable for a tapered figurado, while a straight cut works well with most shapes.

Draw Preference

If you prefer a fuller draw, a straight or guillotine cut might be your best bet. For a more concentrated draw, consider a punch or V-cut.

Personal Preference

At the end of the day, the "right" cut is the one that enhances your enjoyment of the cigar. Don't be afraid to experiment with different cuts to find your favorite.

Cigar Construction

Some cigars are constructed with specific cuts in mind. Pay attention to the cap construction and any recommendations from the manufacturer.

Occasion and Atmosphere

The setting can influence your choice of cut. A straight cut might be more appropriate for a formal event, while a punch cut could be perfect for a casual smoke on the golf course.

Skill and Experience

Some cuts require more skill to execute properly. If you're new to cigar smoking, you might want to start with simpler cuts before moving on to more complex techniques.

Availability of Tools

Your choice of cut may be influenced by the tools you have on hand. It's always good to have a versatile cutter that can perform multiple types of cuts.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the world of cigar cuts is rich and varied, offering something for every smoker's preference. Whether you're a fan of the classic straight cut or you're intrigued by the nuanced flavors of a V-cut, there's a cutting technique out there that will enhance your smoking experience.

Remember, the goal is to open up the cigar for an enjoyable smoke without damaging the wrapper or compromising the draw. So, don't be afraid to experiment with different cuts to find what works best for you and your favorite cigars.

26th Aug 2024 Kevin Kauzlaric

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