Cigar Blog
Cigar Lounge Etiquette: Essential Tips for Beginners
You know how it is when you walk into a social gathering for the first time. You look for someone to connect with-you see the newbies, maybe a little like yourself, there’s the seasoned veteran of the place holding court with other regulars, then you have the unsure, new-to-this-game person looking a bit apprehensive and unsure. It’s the same whether it's your favorite watering hole, a work gathering or a neighborhood party. And it’s the same with a cigar bar.Now, there are specific do’s and don
6th Sep 2023
Reasons You'll Love a Great Cigar Bar
When you begin your journey into the world of cigars you discover a whole new realm. Cigar people have a language all their own; they discuss bunchers and banda, head and foot, sun-grown versus shade grown and so on and so forth.Enjoy a quality smoke with a couple of aficionados and before long they will be debating the best humidors, cutters and lighters with a passion typically reserved for a favorite bourbon or even the NFL. Yes, the world of cigars is a realm of mystery to be sure! And disco
7th Feb 2023