How to Judge a Good Quality Cigar
Smoking a cigar isn’t just about lighting up; it’s a ritual, a moment of indulgence, and a marker of taste. But how do you separate a truly great cigar from one that’s, well, not worth your time? Knowing how to judge a good quality cigar is an essential skill for any aficionado. From appearance to aroma and everything in between, here’s how to pick a winner every time.
Visual Inspection
A cigar’s appearance tells you a lot about its quality. Think of it as the first impression—it sets the tone for everything that follows.
Check the Wrapper
The wrapper is like a cigar’s suit. A high-quality wrapper should be smooth, even, and free of blemishes. It should have a subtle sheen, indicating it’s been properly cured. If it looks dull or dry, that’s a red flag.
Look for Veins and Bumps
While some veins are natural, they shouldn’t dominate the wrapper or disrupt its texture. Similarly, avoid cigars with large bumps or irregularities, as these can indicate uneven filling or poor craftsmanship.
Assess the Size and Shape
A premium cigar should feel consistent in size and shape. Pay attention to the edges—are they symmetrical? Does it look like it was rolled with care? A poorly rolled cigar can lead to uneven burning, which can ruin your experience.
Aroma Assessment
The aroma of a cigar is its way of whispering sweet nothings to your senses. A good cigar should smell as rich as it looks.
Smell the Cigar
Before you light up, give the cigar a sniff. A quality cigar will have a complex aroma, hinting at the flavours waiting to be unlocked. Earthy, woody, or even spicy notes are a good sign.
Note the Pre-light Aroma
This is where you start to gauge the depth of the cigar’s flavour profile. Take your time here; a cigar that smells one-dimensional probably won’t deliver much excitement when smoked. If you're wondering why certain cigars, like Cubans, are so revered, take a look at this guide.
Construction Quality
A cigar’s construction is where the artistry truly shines—or falls flat. Poor construction can turn even a good blend of tobacco into a frustrating smoke.
Feel the Cigar
Hold the cigar between your fingers and give it a gentle squeeze. It should feel firm yet slightly pliable, with no soft spots or inconsistencies. If it’s too hard, you might struggle with the draw; too soft, and it’s likely poorly filled.
Check the Cap
The cap is the piece that seals the cigar, and it should be neatly applied. A sloppy cap can unravel as you smoke, leaving you with a mess instead of a masterpiece.
Perform a Draw Test
Before lighting, take a cold draw by inhaling gently through the unlit cigar. This gives you a preview of the flavours and ensures the draw isn’t too tight or too loose. A balanced draw is key for an enjoyable smoke.
Lighting and Smoking Experience
The true test of a cigar’s quality lies in how it performs once lit. This is where everything—appearance, aroma, and construction—comes together.
Lighting the Cigar
Take your time when lighting. Use a torch lighter or matches, and toast the foot evenly before taking your first draw. A high-quality cigar should light easily and stay lit without much effort.
Observing the Burn
A good cigar will burn evenly, with a solid ash that holds its shape. If the burn is uneven or the ash crumbles too quickly, it’s a sign the cigar wasn’t rolled correctly. Watching the ash can also be oddly satisfying—almost like cigar mindfulness.
Taste Profile
Finally, savour the flavour. A great cigar offers complexity, with layers of taste that evolve as you smoke. Look for balance—no single note should overpower the others. If it’s harsh, bitter, or overly mild, it’s not hitting the mark.
Final Thoughts
Judging a good cigar takes practice, but it’s a skill worth mastering. A quality cigar isn’t just about the tobacco; it’s about the craftsmanship, the experience, and the satisfaction that comes with knowing you’ve chosen well.
When you’re ready to store your top picks, make sure to shop best selling cigar humidors online. A great humidor is the perfect companion to your collection, keeping your cigars in pristine condition. After all, what’s the point of finding a good cigar if you can’t keep it that way?
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