Hosting a Cigar Dinner or Party? 5 Ideas to Make It Fantastic
For decades cigar smokers often felt isolated. Banished from the table to enjoy their post-meal cigar al fresco, alone or in the company of a few like-minded cigar lovers, the smoking was likely less pleasurable than it might have otherwise been. If only they had been allowed to stay and exchange post-dinner musings with their dining companions instead of missing out in order to take pleasure in a fine cigar.
No more! Today’s cigar smokers have the ubiquitous cigar lounges in which to gather with fellow cigar lovers and meet a friend for a smoke and the indulgent libation of choice. These lounges are in every major city and most large towns across the country.
But what if you’d rather make a more intimate evening of it and center your festivities around the smoking experience? No more relegating stogies to a designated outdoor area. Bring your cigars into the light and invite them to the party, folks! It’s time for you to host a cigar dinner or party! Not only that but we have ideas to make it fantastic. This is an event your friends will remember fondly for years to come.
Whether your dinner or party is in honor of a special event or simply just a way to kick back with your friends and enjoy excellent food, outstanding cocktails and epic cigars while spending time together we’ve got you covered. We are experts in all things cigar, after all. Here we give you everything you need to know about planning and hosting a cigar dinner or party.
5 Ideas for Your Cigar Dinner or Party
The popularity of cigars has really resurfaced and ballooned over the last few decades. Those who appreciate a good stogie seem to have their own language, their own philosophies and most importantly their own way of doing things. The first rule of any party is to do it in the most “you” way possible. That way you’re at ease, feeling comfortable and your guests pick up on that vibe. Here are five more ways you can host a cigar dinner or party that’s fantastic!
1. Choose the Venue
So you probably have an idea of the guest list for your stogie soiree but can your home hold everyone? Will your guests be bringing a plus one or will this be more of a solo event? A guys (and gals) night out type of gathering? All of these factors into your selection of venue.
If you have the right size home to accommodate all of your guests do you have areas for bar set up and hors d’oeuvres or appetizer stations? If a dinner is planned do you have enough seating? Are you planning to serve the food buffet style or will this be a sit-down dinner? Is your home well-ventilated enough to smoke indoors without bothering your non-smoking guests? If not you should have an outdoor seating area (weather permitting) that is comfortable where your guests can relax and enjoy their cigar.
If this is your first cigar dinner or party you may want to keep it small and intimate, just a few friends. If your home can’t accommodate perhaps inquire at your favorite restaurant with outdoor seating. A lot depends on the smoking laws in your area so don’t forget to confirm cigar smoking is allowed. Some social clubs and organizations have rental space available for this sort of party or dinner.
2. Choose your Menu
Whether you’re hosting a cigar dinner or party your guests will expect food and drink. But just any old drink really won’t do. You want to enhance the cigar experience and maybe leave the nachos and beer for another night. Whiskey and bourbon are typically served along with cigars. Port is a lovely after dinner drink and your teetotaling buddies may enjoy a sparkling water or cocktail, espresso or even a good quality ginger ale.
The dinner food should directly correspond with your choice of cigars (assuming you will be offering your favorite cigars to your favorite people). For example a big, robust, full-bodied cigar is complemented by a good steak, roasted game, rich pasta sauces, barbecue like pulled pork and heartier fare. For mild cigars consider a lighter fare; fish, grilled chicken breast, stir fry or a vegetable forward menu.
Hors d’oeuvres and appetizers that go well for a cigar party includecharcuterie, a flavorful array of dips and the like such as smoked fish spread, cheeseballs, olives, nuts and fruit like sliced apples, figs and berries.
3. Create an Ambience That Complements Your Cigar Dinner or Party
You want a laid-back vibe for your event so stay focused on the “chill” of the evening. Soft jazz playing in the background, candlelight and ambient lighting, cozy sofas and chairs or even a fire pit or table in the backyard or patio encourage your guests to get comfy and enjoy.
4. Offer Good Quality Cigars to Your Guests
The obvious star of your cigar dinner or party is the cigar. In order to wow your guests and make this affair one to remember you should offer a round of good quality cigars, carefully curated by you, to share with your friends.
Consider the degree to which your guests are invested in the passion for cigars. Are they aficionados? New to the pastime? Choose the cigars accordingly. And always make sure you know more than a little something about the stogies your proffer. Choose them wisely from a high quality cigar shop and ask the salesperson about the cigars. That way you can share the information with your fellow cigar enthusiasts.
5. Socialize but Prepare Activities
While most guests are more than happy to sit around and discuss the attributes of specific cigars and share their knowledge and conversation some of your guests may expect an activity. Consider having a rolling demonstration and let your guests experience personalized cigars rolled just for their enjoyment. Your local cigar store likely has information to connect you with these types of party activities. Make sure you have thecorrect cuttersand lighters available should your demonstrator not offer any.
We’re Here to Help
There you have it. Everything you need to know to host a cigar dinner or party that is fantastic! For more information on how you can further your enjoyment please contact Northwoods Humidors, your cigar experts.
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